Fundamental Values

What are the core values that shape me and my writing. I am still trying to work that out, but I can make a start.

It is hard to divine these core elements. As the Bible says, the heart is deceitful and hard to discern (Jer 17.9). Nevertheless, a few things stand out:


Truth – Truth or Reality (to me they are synonymous). But, perhaps this goes beyond mere Truth, and acknowledges (or looks for) a greater reality that has some uniting sense of truth or meaning.


Love – Love is hard to define, but for me, Truth needs something more to make it of any value. Love reaches out to another. It acknowledges value in the other. It seeks the Truth that sets Us free, and brings life in togetherness.


Spirit – Spirit and Spirituality is even harder to define than Love. But, Truth and Love seem to need something else to bring them together; something living that unites and empowers us to be. Just as God breathed on the first human and they became a living being.

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