A Search for Truth & Meaning

An Explorers Journal

“We, with eyes uncovered, beholding the Glory of the Lord, are being changed into the same image; from one degree of glory to another”

– 2 Corinthians 3.18

I believe that we are profoundly affected by the things that we see, pay attention to and dwell on, whether we are aware of this or not. But how much better when we are aware and engaged. 

So, my aim is a life with eyes wide open and a questioning mind

I am just beginning to put this website together

My plan is to create a website to journal (like a travelogue) what I am reading, hearing and thinking about as I try to make sense of life. I hope, also, to take that journaling on to the next stage; making connections and building an integrated collection of thoughts and articles (the Website) on the truth and realities that matter most to me – and, perhaps, to all of us.

  • I am passionate about what is true in a world that is determined to undermine truth in every place.
  • I am passionate about truth that acknowledges people, not just as group identities, but as individuals with a unique dignity.
  • I am passionate about the deeper reality that under-girds our daily experience; a reality that I have come to know, in part, as God

I am a Christian, but I want this to be more than a Christian Website, God is bigger than all of us, and any Truth or Reality, worthy of that name is relevant to all of us, whatever words we use to describe it.


Still to be Developed

As we constantly walk over the same ground, we create footpaths. In the same way, as we constantly pursue a pattern of thinking we create ways through separate ideas that connect as a mental footpath. And, as we connect these we may create a map.

That, at least is my hope and plan – for example


e.g. What sort of Being are we Humans? Individuals, but part of something bigger; physical, embodied, but more than a mere concoction or reactive chemicals.


e.g. "It is not good that this man should BE alone" (Gen 2.18). But, what does it mean to Be together? How do we join Individual Flourishing with the mutual submission of Community?

Truth ...
It's Real

This is the centre of all I'm about.

Truth feels personal, and it is bent out of shape by power. But, though we may find it hard to perceive, Truth is: the reality that we live before; and the reality that we must all give account to. Eventually Truth catches up with us all!


This is going to be about what's influencing me

We all need Guides in our exploration of life and being. Some are more reliable than others. All have their weaknesses. At least we should acknowledge those that have influenced us. We are, after all, partly a product of the environment we live in and what we pay attention to.

The Coign (now Welcome Church) Woking